SMG Studios

What do TikTik Creators energisemotivation, mental_mindset_, and elite_prospective all have in common? Aside from getting million of views, they all use our luxury content; content that can be yours for a limited time!

  • SMG's Start.

    SMG began as a digital marketing group focused on scaling small social media accounts to profitable digital dropshipping platforms.

  • Why content?

    We noticed a common issue for many small social media accounts, a lack of distinctive, readily available, premium content.

  • Whats next for us.

    Our aim at SMG is to introduce a new content pack every 3 months. Join our email newsletter to keep informed on all our future releases.


Are there any recurring fees

There are absolutely zero reoccurring fees.

Do I need to credit SMG Studios when posting

You do not need to credit us when posting our content.

Do you store individual's card information?

Absolutely not. We employ industry standard payment gateways with cutting-edge security features.